Company Registration

Oubaitori Karate Club Limited, registered company number 15252966

Company Registered Address

Matthew Johnson
Oubaitori Karate Club Limited
Office 294
4 Blenheim Court
Peppercorn Close

But I thought you were non-profit? We are. Oubaitori Karate Club Limited is a Limited By Guarantee Company.

Most Ltd/Limited companies are Limited by Shares. This means profit can be paid out as Dividends to the shareholders. Oubaitori Karate Club is Limited by Guarantee, this means we do not have shareholders (so no dividends), we have Guarantors and Directors who are responsible for meeting our objectives.

  1. To provide high quality martial artd training to the communities in and around the Company’s areas of operation (“students”)
  2. To provide opportunities to promote the physical and mental health of the communities in and around the Company’s area of operation
  3. To create pathways for students of the Company to progress to national and international levels of competition or practice
  4. To support with the progression of those training with the Club, through pathways available to the Company and/or students

Your Free Trial

Your first two lessons are free, with no obligation