2024 Pricing Changes

Hi everybody

You may have noticed an increase in effort and competency in all things back office and safeguarding/safety. You will also be aware of us needing to change venues for some of our classes. We continue to strive to be the safest and very best place in Peterborough to learn Karate.

The unfortunate byproduct of this is that our costs have increased, and means we need to nudge our prices up slightly. This is something we have avoided for a very long time, in fact the pricing for our kids’ classes have only gone up £1 per lesson in the last 25 years.

We’ve tried to keep this very simple, we understand that for some households this may cause some concern. Most people will see an increase of between 50p and £1 per week. Some multi-student households would be more affected than others. To reassure those people, we have limited any household/family increase to £5 per month.

Students starting with us on or after the 1st of January will pay these rates immediately, however for our existing families these prices will be in place for any payments from the 1st of March.

Child£18.00 (up £2.00 from £16.00)£29.00 (up £4.00 from £25.00)
Teen£22.00 (up £2.00 from £20.00)£34.00 (up £4.00 from £30.00)
Adult£27.00 (up £3.00 from £24.00)£39.00 (up £4.00 from £35.00)

* We still offer up to a 40% discount for household members 3+, but we’ve not included it in the table as it doesn’t affect anybody currently training.

We have the Karate for Good Partnership if anybody is going to find these changes insurmountable. If these changes are going to be difficult for you, please reach out to the team and we will find a way to help. If you are currently Lottery funded, please do not worry. This has already been sorted with our Lottery partners.

You will all receive a hard copy of this notice, including the change to your pricing from March.

Yours sincerely,
Matt Johnson
Head Coach, Oubaitori Karate Club Limited

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